I work all day to make money to buy clay to make into beads and give them all away...
Ja ever notice,
A. The future is unwritten.
B. The possibilities are unlimited.
C. Ya never know what is coming up next.
Do you believe in guardian angels?
There was a time I didn’t but now I do.
I believe we all have guardian angels.
I believe we all have guardian angel potential.
My definition of a guardian angel is someone that helps another human just because the human needs help.
I have a friend named Sue. Apparently, she is one of my Guardian Angels.
About 10 years ago she stopped by unexpectedly which is not out of the ordinary, however this time she walked in carrying a large box and said, dude you have to start making things out of clay and I have everything you need to do it in this box.
Before she walked in the only thing that was on my mind was ordering a pizza.
She put the box on the floor in my kitchen and left. The box sat there for close to two years.
One day it was cold and snowy out. My son and I were board so we decided to look in the box.
In the box as Sue said we found everything we would ever need to make things out of clay.
There was clay in a bunch of beautiful colors, an oven, strings, cords and all sorts of clay tools.
We started to play. Play with the clay but the only thing that came out of our clay play day, now and forever known as the day of the clay, was one round marble-sized yellow bead.
I made a yellow ball, put a hole through it, baked it, and put it on a string.
Pure genius.
The next day I went to Yoga and a girl said, hey cool bead, so I gave it to her.
When I gave it to her, she looked at me and said really? She thanked me and had a big smile on her face.
That feeling I got, from giving the clay away that day and making another human happy also made me happy.
A simple gesture with a wonderfully powerful result.
Helping another human be happy is a win, win situation. Wonderful energy was created. There is no better feeling than helping another human be happy!
I went home and I made another bead.
This time it was blue.
I went to Yoga the next day (I do a lot of Yoga) and the same thing happened. Someone saw the blue bead; said they liked it so I gave it away. Same result as the previous day Two beads helped, 2 humans be happy in 2 days.
Something that I created actually helped make another human happy?
Very cool.
The feeling I felt from seeing those people smile was amazing.
If only for a moment I helped other humans be happy.
Helping a human be happy. That is powerful.
The addiction starts...
The addiction is contagious.
How can it not be?
The addiction is Love.
I remember what my mom always told me. Everyone has in invisible sign on their back that says “Please hug me”.
I went home and started making all different shapes, colors and sizes of beads.
These were more like little individual pieces of art. Some round, some rectangular some triangles.
Wonderful happy colors and each one created with the intent of helping another human be happy.
I felt happy.
I felt grateful.
I wound up making about 20 beads. I passed them out over the next few days. I was amazed at the responses I received. Some people couldn’t believe that I was actually giving them a gift for no other reason than to put a smile on their face.
Everyone I gave one to was happy and everyone smiled.
You may have noticed a lot of people are unhappy. I believe the real reason people are unhappy is that most people are not happy being themselves.
Good and bad things happen every day.
There are so many unpleasant things happening in the world these days. The world is always in need of more love and kindness.
GratefulBeads are a wonderful way to convey a random act of kindness.
I wanted to create something recognizable that would represent, gratitude, happiness and peace.
Something you can see, something that you can feel and worn as a physical reminder that even in crazy times the world is still a wonderful, wonderful place and we all have so much to be grateful for.
You never know what kind of affect your random act of kindness can have on another human.
You may be in heaven in your mind and at the same time you may be standing right next to someone that is living in hell in their mind.
Only inches away, yet in a different world and usually you would never even know it.
That someone could be you.
Many times, it has been me.
Many, many times I have been told when I handed someone a bead, that I didn’t know how badly they needed something positive like that to happen to them in the moment.
How badly they needed someone to just be nice.
A GratefulBead is simple bead with a gigantic purpose. Helping humans be HAPPY two beads at a time.
GratefulBeads are given just for the sake of giving. They have the proven ability to instantly transform a human from UNHAPPY to HAPPY!
Your random act of kindness, showing another person that you care in that moment could completely change the course of their lives.
The Meaning of the GratefulBead symbol.
represents the third eye chakra. A chakra is one of many energy centers in the human body. It is the 6th primary chakra. It is the part of the brain that can become more powerful, like a muscle through thought, meditation, things like yoga and spiritual practices.
Is just that. A smile or a grin to remind you to smile.
The idea of passing them out in pairs came about one day when I was thinking about the wonderful feeling, I get myself from passing out GratefulBeads.
Seeing that smile on another human’s face, the change in their physical appearance. It’s like a drug that I wanted others to experience.
That’s when I decided to package them in pairs and I came up with this slogan...
GratefulBeads come in pairs.
One to wear.
One to share.
Make someone happy, Pass one along.
People love passing one along.
What is amazing is that almost every person you give a pair of GratefulBeads to instantly knows who they are going to to share their other with.
I love to pass them along to complete strangers.
Passing one along helps continue the flow of positive energy.
GratefulBeads are a simple, beautiful inexpensive gesture with a gigantic purpose...
Helping the world be happy two beads at a time and its happening. Over 70,000 GratefulBeads have been passed along in the United States, Australia, Albania, Canada, England, Mexico, Peru, Fuji, Spain and Italy.
People are starting to recognize the GratefulBead, as more and more people are joining the movement as what we like to call GratefulBead Ambassadors.
People love to take GratefulBeads on vacations as gifts for people they may meet along the journey.
Another benefit to always wearing a GratefulBead is it being recognized.
Many people have made new friends.
When someone that understands what a GratefulBead is and sees a person wearing one they instantly feel more comfortable being around them.
GratefulBeads break the Ice and help start a conversation and before you know it you have made a new friend.
Although they are beautiful. GratefulBeads are not a fashion statement.
I love every GratefulBead I make. I make sure each one contains an Extra-large dose of gratitude, happiness, peace and 100% pure positive energy and each one is as unique and beautiful as the person wearing it.
GratefulBeads like humans are not perfect nor meant to be. GratefulBeads and humans come in many colors. Some are thick. Some are thin. Some are small. Some are big. Some have more imperfections. Some have less imperfections. Yet like humans GratefulBeads are all the same.
We all want to be loved and we all should be loved regardless of our color, religion, cultures or imperfections.
GratefulBeads cross all barriers, political, religious, cultural, sexual and racial because one thing all humans have in common is that we all want the same thing. To be happy, grateful, peaceful and to be loved.
The future is unwritten. The possibilities are unlimited. Who knew? I guess Sue knew or at least Sue had a clue.
A decade later I have clay everywhere.
I am grateful to be able to work with clay every day.
I am constantly surrounded by reminders of gratitude, happiness, peace and positive energy.
I believe that over 90% of reality is all in my head.
Where I focus my attention creates my reality.
I love making GratefulBeads.
I love the feel of clay. So primitive.
I love the colors.
I love the way they look.
I love the way it makes another human feel.
I love the way that makes me feel.
This labor of love has been one of the easiest things I’ve ever done.
My goal for GratefulBeads, with the help of many other humans like you, is to pass along GratefulBeads to people all around the world and help them be grateful and happy-er if only for a moment, two beads at a time.
KARMA as defined by me:
What you do to the world, you are doing to yourself at the same time.
The most rewarding feeling for me and because of the help of people like you is knowing people that I will never meet, living in places I may never visit will be happier and help make others happy because of something I created.
Occasionally and I'm happy to say it is happening more and more, I see someone wearing a GratfulBead walk by me with no clue that I'm its creator.
Then I always wonder if my creator has walked by me thinking the same thing.
Protect life and always BeadGreatful.
· Benefits of the bead
· Helps Make people happy.
· Helps make you happy.
· Regardless of a person’s religion, race, political affiliation or geographic location everyone wants and needs to be grateful and happy.
· Random act of kindness
· Great way to make connections
· Great way to break the ice.
· Great conversation starter.
· Less expensive than most greeting cards.
· Never discarded like a greeting card.
· They come in pairs. one to wear and one to share.
· They are unique, memorable pieces of art.
· No one ever forgets who they received a GratefulBead from.
· Many Beautiful colors.
There is no better feeling then helping another human be…HAPPY!
I believe the only reason for creation is love. I believe the only so called “Gods work” a human can do is help life.
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